Yes, Kansas City gets a very brief mention and good nod in today's New York Times. So what if it comes at the very end of the article?

When a Brooklyn politician tells transplants to “go back to Ohio,” what exactly does that mean?
It's an article about a public figure who lamented the gentrification of the Big Apple and all the people from "flyover country" intruding and inhabiting the city, thus driving up prices and sucking the personality of the city, out of it. How it ends:
Five years ago a school district near Kansas City, Mo., gained wide attention when a transgender student was crowned homecoming queen. Three years after that, two elementary schools in the district installed gender-neutral bathrooms.
If you are welcome where you are, maybe you don’t have to leave
So kudos to you, Kansas City. Kudos to us. We're opening our minds out there.
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