Mike Shanin, his weekly news program "Ruckus" and our PBS station KCPT all did it again.
On this evening's weekly program, on tonight's panel, they had 2 white men, a very white--even blonde haired--woman and one black man.
One person "of color."
And even the woman was clearly a Right Winger, very likely Republican since she called out for Mike Pompeo, praising him and saying he should run for President in the future.
Again, I say and ask again, how incredible would it be if KCPT and Mike Shanin and this show--and "Week in Review" for that matter, their other weekly news program--consistently, reliably, week after week, would have, at worst, one white man, one white woman, an African-American of any sex and a Hispanic or Latina, again, of either sex?
How great would that be?
And it wouldn't be difficult, either.
They would finally, at long last, reliably and dependably have a far better cross section of everyone in the metropolitan area instead of so thoroughly covering white people and their viewpoints and issues.
We can dream.
Can't we?
Until they do, isn't this just media approved racism? And segregation?
For now, they cover, again, the white viewpoint solidly and dependably.
That and the old, white viewpoint.
KCPT and any PBS station owes us far more.
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