It's one thing for President Trump to have supporters, sure, and a lot of us don't understand even that but there are those who take this even further. In fact, they take it much, much further.

Evangelical Christians see Trump as ‘man of God’
Millions of Americans Believe God Made Trump President
And it gets worse, too.
Evangelicals Call Trump A God
Donald Trump.
Donald J Trump. A "man of God". Or worse, a God himself.
To clear this up, let's make a list, even just a short list of hings we know about Donald J Trump:
- He was given 493 million dollars from his father, upon his father's death
- He declared bankruptcy at least 6 times, in his business dealings
- He was found guilty of fraud through his Trump University and had to repay 25 million dollars
- He was found guilty by a judge, in a court of law, for stealing 2 million dollars from a charity. And it was a charity for American Veterans from which he stole this money
- He was married and cheated on this first wife
- He ended up divorcing his first wife and marrying the woman with whom he cheated on this first wife
- He cheated on his second wife
- He ended up divorcing his second wife and marrying the woman with whom he cheated on that second wife
- He cheated on his third wife
- He paid $130,000 to the woman with whom he cheated on his third wife in order to buy her silence because, after all, he was in the middle of campaigning for election to the Presidency, the highest office in the nation
If that's a God, that is one warped, even sick God, if not also universe.
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