Finally, finally, finally, a representative in Washington proposed a bill the nation REALLY needs:
Kucinich Announces ‘Game Changing’ Constitutional Amendment to Publicly Finance Federal Elections On the eve of the second anniversary of the Supreme Court ruling known as Citizens United, which opened the floodgate of unlimited, shadowy corporate spending in public elections, Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) has introduced H. J. Res. 100, a constitutional amendment to rescue American democracy from corporate money’s corrupting influence. Here's the crucial part:
H.J. Res.100 would require that all federal campaigns –all campaigns for President, Vice-President, Senator and Representative – be financed exclusively with public funds and prohibit any expenditures from any other source, including the candidate. H. J. Res. 100 would also prohibit any expenditures in support of, or in opposition to, any federal candidate, so that interest groups will not be able to influence elections. It will maintain the First Amendment “freedom of the press” and preserve the traditional role that the media have played in our electoral process. I've said it before, folks, and trust me, I'm going to say it again--if we don't get the big, ugly, corrupting, pervasive, all-encompassing money of the corporations and wealthy out of our election system, nothing will ever change. The wealthy and corporations would continue to buy our representatives and so, their legislation and our laws. Because of all that, they would continue to own our government. It will continue to be all for the wealthy, the fat-cats and corporations and not for the good of you, me, the rich, the poor or the good of the nation. Get on board, folks. This is the solution we need. Email your Senators and Congressional representatives on this now, please. Do it for yourself and your children and for the future of the country. And don't let anyone tell you this limits anyone else's Free Speech because it patently doesn't.
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