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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Could we stop imitating Michael Jackson now?

What is it with repeating Michael Jackson's moves that keeps getting done over and over? HE was unique. HE was creative. He came up with all these things. Then people started doing the same things and I guess the thought was "See? I can do it, too." Now, people are STILL repeating his same moves. Has it morphed into nostalgia now? I don't get it. That must be it. I think we will be seeing this until the end of time. Granted, it's good music and always will be but THE SAME DANCE MOVES AS HIM--AND THE SAME CLOTHES? Forever? Yikes.


ben said...

let me ask you this: what the fuck do you expect from Glee?

if you want to see MJ's watershed greatness done justice watch Usher and JT dance.

more generally, asking dancers to stop imitating MJ is like asking basketball players to stop imitating... MJ.

Mo Rage said...

It's what I expect from "Glee", sure. I just don't expect it from everyone, everywhere, repeatedly, that's all.

ben said...

what you're talking about is a function of shameless industrialism. despite what television would have us think it's not everyone everywhere.

Mo Rage said...

I exaggerated for effect, certainly, but the fact is, when people do MJ, they don't do it any new or creative way--they merely repeat his moves and, as I said earlier, his moves. Someone should try thinking and doing something a bit more creative. That was my point.