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Friday, September 11, 2020

Proud of the Chiefs Today, No Way the Fans

To those of you fans that booed during last night's Chiefs game:

You paid extra for a ticket to support a league that is 70% black. You paid extra for a ticket to support a league that has been vocal about their support of Black Lives Matter. 

They took a moment to stand together in unity.

They were not rioting. 

They were not looting. 

They had a moment of silence in honor of those who have lost their lives unjustly, a moment of silence for an entire race that is treated as "less than" simply because of the color of their skin. 

Today I am proud of the Chiefs, the Texans and the NFL. 

Today I'm embarrassed to live in a city that boos peaceful and respectful acts to show support of a community that is hurting and that frankly needs and deserves our support.

Black. Lives. Matter. 


Anonymous said...

It's one of the above.

Mo Rage said...

Well, I'm just glad you could leave an intelligent, insightful response there, full of courage, Anonymous.
