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Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Nearly Unbelievable Breaking News This Afternoon

Two big stories broke this afternoon I can hardly believe. First up from Louisville, Kentucky.

People gather in Louisville, Kentucky, on Wednesday to wait for the grand jury announcement in the Breonna Taylor case. The jury later decided that one officer would face charges related to shooting into neighboring apartments during the police raid of Taylor’s home. None of the officers face charges connected to Taylor’s death.

The city of Louisville, Kentucky to the family of slain citizen and EMT Breonna Taylor:

"Here, here's 12 million dollars for your very, very recently deceased sister, daughter, cousin but understand, our police officers did nothing wrong whatever."


Makes perfect sense.

How can anyone possibly tell Black people in America their lives matter when a young woman, an EMT, can be safely at home, at night in her own home, her own apartment when police officers then execute a no-knock warrant--but for the wrong address--and shoot her 8 times only to kill her?

And then there's this.

The city of Louisville made sure they gave the family of Breonna Taylor TWELVE MILLION DOLLARS, very quickly, but then, now seem to be saying "Here's twelve million dollars, very quickly, right away, but don't think for a moment our police officers did anything wrong."


Makes perfect sense.

And people think Black Lives Matter protests are unnecessary?


Let's truly make #BlackLivesMatter in America. This is insane.

Then, second, Missouri's Republican Governor Parson and his wife both came down positive for coronavirus.

Mr. You Don't Need to Wear a Mask.

Thanks, Republicans!

You bloody hypocrites. You fools.

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