Either one is excellent, of course.

It seems there are new, negative stories released about this President at least daily, if not hourly. Here are just a few of them from John Bolton's book, his former National Security chief:
Bolton says Trump asked China to help him get reelected
And then there are the claims of his niece, as we know.
Can you imagine making fun of your father who's suffering from Alzheimer's?
Even if he WEREN'T going to give you 493 million dollars---but especially if he were. Wow.
Meanwhile and additionally, the Supreme Court ruled this past Monday that LGBTQ Americans should have equality in our nation---imagine that!---and shouldn't be able to be fired in the workplace for being gay or transgendered, etc. This goes completely against Mr. Trump and his goals.
Then, today, there was this Supreme Court ruling, also:
That was breaking news this morning. Within the last hour, the President tweeted this:
Do you get the impression that the Supreme Court doesn’t like me?
Ah... pobrecita....
To add complications to his re-election bid, it was announced yesterday that Tulsa, Oklahoma had it's largest outbreak of coronavirus yet. Famously, his re-election rally is set to be there this Saturday.
It was announced this week he's scouring the White House to find out who ratted him out about going to the bunker during the protests. And not just find out who it was but prosecute them in court, too.
That this President is using our own Department of Justice to do his bidding to keep Bolton from selling and distributing his book should alarm virtually all Americans.
Finally, at least here and now, today, ABC is going to air an interview with John Bolton this Sunday night, 9 pm Eastern time, covering and giving yet more details of his pretty scathing book on President Trump.
So yes, ladies and gentlemen, either yesterday was the day, I feel strongly, or this is the week but the wheels seem to have absolutely come off this Donald Trump re-election. You're all, we are all witnessing it now. It's not pretty, certainly, and we hope we can and do keep the nation safe and secure, even strong from here to Election Day, November 3rd and then from then until the following January 20 when the next President takes office.
God help us all and keep us safe.
May this long, national, dangerous, reckless nightmare be soon over, safely over.
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