I ask again, for whom is this President working?
I'll show and post 3 different examples of just why I ask. First this. This President Trump proposed this in August last year, 2019.
Trump Again Pushes For
Russia's Readmittance To G-7
The other nations of the G7 don't want Russia and Mr. Putin in the group but Mr. Trump is working for it. Our known, self-declared, public enemy but he wants them in the group.
Alrighty, then.
Next up, the President proposed this in early June this year.
Trump Directs Pentagon to Pull 9,500 Troops
from Germany
Who, exactly, is that going to help but Russia and their leader Vladimir Putin?
And understand, this is from me, a guy who has said we need to shrink our defense budget drastically and it would still actually strengthen our nation.
Finally, there was this that broke this week from and in the New York Times.
"Benghazi!", my *ss.
Following that report were these responses.
Naturally, his response.
Not only did they---he, President Trump--do nothing about this information but even after this story broke, to this minute, Trump has done nothing about it against that foreign enemy, Russia.
And then, stunningly, stunningly, there is this.
So again I ask---just who, exactly, is this Republican Party President Donald J. Trump working?

This President doesn't take any time to take action against our known enemy paying out bounties to kill our American soldiers in Afghanistan but he does take time out from his busy week to retweet this.
Would you answer that for us?
And maybe get some control on your boy there?
Finally here today, whether you agree or not, this is how Germany's Der Spiegel pictures our own United States presently, under this leadership so here's an international take.
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