More and more, I keep seeing first this person and then another hinting at, suggesting about if a crash, an economic crash, should occur, what with this rather relentless killing, international pandemic and the effects it's having on us and our economies and institutions. Some examples. This first I got from my brother.
Pandemic Upends World's 2 Largest Economies
The medical community seems convinced we're still on the "first round" of this coronavirus pandemic, not the 2nd wave and it just keeps hitting bigger and bigger numbers of Americans who contract it and then the numbers that die, too. We have more cases of coronavirus and more deaths in the nation, both, THAN ANY OTHER NATION ON THE PLANET. And those numbers keep growing.
Put that into perspective, too, folks. We have a little over 4% of the nation's population--a fraction of China's or India's, for a best comparison--yet we have, by far, the most cases of the coronavirus and the most deaths in this pandemic.

Seriously, God and heavens help us all.
There is some hope out there. It's not all bleak. Not completely.
Be safe out there, y'all. Be and stay safe.
And keep up that hope.
Meanwhile, this broke this morning, minutes ago.
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