Herewith, just a very brief list of just a few things for which this Republican Party President Donald Trump did first, most and/or best compared to all other Presidents:

- Biggest stock market drop
- Highest national debt
- Most convicted members of his one administration
- Most turnovers in his administration, with people coming and going
- Most pandemic infections
So much winning.
Op-Ed: Let’s count the ways Donald Trump has gone where no president has gone before
Say what you might about President Trump, he has had a positive impact on the Democrat party and the country as a hole. The Democrats have moved to the right. I will vote against Biden but he is much less socialist than any of the other candidates. Even the normally far left Democrat National Committee is turning less socialist. Pro-Life leaders in the Democrat party will be elected this year to the state and national party committees (like John Mayfield from Independence). Before Trump scared the Democrats they only put anti-second amendment skreechers and representatives of the baby-killing industry. We are Making America Great Again.
An, and here we are.
Another Trump supporter.
Who can't spell.
You are as common as cheap toothpaste.
And wrong.
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