Did you see this little beauty today?

Jared Kushner clarifies after saying he’s ‘not sure’ he can commit to date for presidential election
Here's what happened.
Senior White House adviser Jared Kushner raised eyebrows Tuesday by suggesting that there was uncertainty about whether the presidential election would happen in November as scheduled because of the coronavirus pandemic and that he had some role in making that determination.
Whose election is this, anyway? His? His father-in-law's? Fortunately, there was response to this insanity.
Hours after his remarks to Time magazine generated a strong reaction on social media, Kushner, President Trump’s son-in-law, issued a clarification, saying he was unaware of and not involved in any “discussions” about changing the date of the 2020 election.
Just how completely unfamiliar is Mr. Kushner, anyway, on our elections and laws? He apparently thought that, because he heads up this President's coronavirus task force that he's suddenly in charge of our election(s), too?
Anyway, this is to say we need to be aware, we need to be paying attention and we can't let obscenities be taking place in the nation regarding our elections, specifically this one coming up in November. So far, the following has already taken place.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg warned in a scathing dissent that the right-wing majority's ruling "will result in massive disenfranchisement."
But wait, there's more.
Here's the latest. This is going on now.
Check that out.
" U.S. Supreme Court justices on Wednesday grilled a lawyer advocating that “electors” in the complex Electoral College system that decides the winner of U.S. presidential elections are free to disregard laws directing them to back the candidate who prevails in their state’s popular vote."
This guy, no doubt a Right Winger and Republican, is asking the Supreme Court to let the electors in the Electoral College actually completely disregard laws that tell those electors to BACK THE CANDIDATE WHO PREVAILS IN THEIR STATE's POPULAR ELECTION.
Because why should our votes count, right? They've gerrymandered the nation. That wasn't enough, they added very racist voter ID laws that disenfranchise minorities, the elderly, the physically-challenged, the poor and elderly, now this.
George Carlin was right, so right. The game is rigged. And it isn't rigged for you and me, folks.
Then we're all very familiar with the Republicans' fighting to keep Americans from voting by mail, in spite of this current very deadly pandemic.
Will Americans Lose Their Right to Vote
in the Pandemic
This in spite of what we Americans want.
And this is what we have to look forward to going forward unless and until we vote Republicans out of office.
So again, vote, folks. Vote blue. And we have to "stay on our toes." Be aware. We have to fight this out.
Blue wave, y'all, come November.
Let's do this.
We must.
Let's do this.
We must.
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