I caught an excellent article, thanks to a friend, over the weekend on this President and what has morphed into his political party:

One of the challenges in analyzing modern American politics is accurately describing the Republican Party without seeming unserious and hyperbolic. Major publications are understandably in the habit of presenting both sides of the partisan divide as being inherently worthy of respect and equal consideration, both as a way of shielding themselves from accusations of bias and as a way of maintaining their own sense of journalistic integrity.
Unfortunately, the modern Republican Party’s abdication of seriousness, good faith and reality-based communications or policy-making has stretched even the most open-minded analyst’s capacity for forced balance. Donald Trump’s own inability to string together coherent or consistent thoughts has led to a bizarre normalization of his statements in the traditional media, as journalists unconsciously try to fit his rambling, spontaneous utterances into a conventional framework. This has come at the cost of Americans seeing the full truth of the crisis of leadership in the Oval Office for what it is. For instance, it was ironically salutary for the American public to witness Donald Trump’s bizarre pandemic press conferences where he oddly attacked reporters for asking innocuous questions and recommended researching bleach and sunlight injections, because they got to see Trump raw as he truly is, without the normalization filter. Republicans have long argued that the “mainstream media filter” gives them a bad shake, but the reality is the opposite: sure, it’s not as good as being boosted by Fox News’ overt propaganda, but it does them a greater service than letting the public see them unfiltered at all...
...Being a Republican now requires believing in a jaw-dropping series of claims that, if true, would almost necessitate anti-democratic revanchism. One has to believe that
- a cabal of evil scientists is making up climate science in exchange for grant money;
- that there is rampant, widescale voter impersonation fraud carried out by thousands of elections officials nationwide;
- that the “Deep State” concocted a scheme to frame Trump for Russian collusion but chose not to use it before the 2016 election;
- that shadowy forces are driving migrant caravans and diseases across American borders in the service of destroying white Republican America;
- that the entire news media is engaged in a conspiracy against the Republican Party;
- that grieving victims of gun violence and their families all across America want to take away guns as a pretext for stomping the boot of “liberal fascism” on conservative faces; and so on.
That and much more is just the vanilla Republican belief system at this point (not even touching less explosive academic fictions like “tax cuts pay for themselves” or “the poor will work harder to better themselves if you cut the safety net.”}
I personally can't recommend the complete above article enough.
I personally can't recommend the complete above article enough.
Meanwhile, this happened two days ago, Saturday.
On Saturday, President Donald Trump shared a series of sexist insults and personal gibes about prominent female Democrats.
Trump has a long record of aiming sexist insults at female critics.
Who does this?
What public person, let alone government representative, let alone 74 year old, let alone Congressional representative or, I don't know, what PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES talks like that? What adult calls another, a woman, a "skank"? Who does that??
This President is frightening but as that first article above shows, much of the Republican Party has gotten scary, honestly, no overstatement, scary.
Fortunately, there are a few, a very few Republicans out there warning people about him and this. People like Utah's Mitt Romeny, conservative writer George Will, uber-conservative Bill Kristol and others. It's not enough but it's something.
Then there's the fact that this President has repeatedly tried to spread an untrue and extremely irresponsible murder conspiracy theory, of all things, about Joe Scarborough.
Then there's the fact that this President has repeatedly tried to spread an untrue and extremely irresponsible murder conspiracy theory, of all things, about Joe Scarborough.
Trump uses Twitter to push
murder conspiracy theory
And this was yesterday at the Memorial Day activities. As this President and again, his political party would have it, it's "sleepy Joe" Biden we have to worry about, no one else. And yet...
President Trump’s struggles to stand still during a Memorial Day visit to Arlington National Cemetery lit up social media Monday, prompting users to recall past incidents in which the commander in chief, who turns 74 next month, battled to find a balance.
“Is the President having trouble standing up straight as the National Anthem begins at Arlington Cemetary (sic) or am I seeing things?” Joshua Potash from Queens asked on Twitter.
The Trump critic posted that video, along with another clearly showing the president swaying in front of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
Between this President's ravings, his questionable health and his political party's going off a d eep end, it seems clear we don't lack for things we have to work on, let alone be concerned of.
Thanks, Republicans.
"Only the best people."
"So much winning."
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24 conspiracy theories Donald Trump has floated
6 months on, Trump hasn't completed his physical. The White House won't say why.
Editorial: If the pandemic-preparedness cupboard was bare, it was Trump's doing
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