Herein, simplified, are the reasons and evidence:
- This President, Donald J Trump, asked the leader of a foreign nation to investigate a private American citizen and a citizen who just happened to be the son of his foremost political rival in the current campaign for the election for his very office.
- The President took it further, however, and people from his own administration testified it was clear he and understood that he, President Trump, proposed to and was, in fact, withholding approximately 400 million dollars in Congressionally approved aid to Ukraine in their effort to wrest away from the Soviet Union.
- Once this was all brought to light and the House of Representatives wanted to investigate these widespread and assumed allegations, the President blocked his own staff from his administration from responding to and answering subpoenas the House sent down.
If he is, in fact, so very innocent, why, then block these people's testimonies?
And when it comes to these current proceedings, the heck of it is, the impeachment hearings today on these two issues don't even begin to touch on the also-impeachable offence of this President virtually shattering the 25th Amendment of the Constitution, the Emoluments Clause, in his taking not just money but large amounts of it from foreign nations, no less, from his hotels in Washington, DC, Florida and elsewhere.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the right and true and just and correct thing is happening today.
Our own House of Representatives is voting to impeach Republican Party President Donald J Trump. And for only the third time in our nation's history.
As it ought.
God help and save the United States of America.
May justice be done.
I'm personally proud our nation includes a process wherein even the highest in the land are held accountable. That people in his own political party supporting him, because they don't want to lose political power in Washington and the nation, will go down in history as having been on the wrong side of justice and right and good and that very history.
This isn't about Democrats trying to undo the election of November 2016, not in any way.
None of us can be above the law.
There was no mention of withholding aid on the call. Zelinsky said he did not feel pressured. There are no facts to support the charge of bribery. Only hearsay and opinion. When asked one "star" witness said that he never heard President Trump ask to have aid withheld, but "it was understood." Understood by whom? This case would be thrown out of any court with prejudice.
1) Many, several of Trump's own staff, people from his own administration, while on the call, recognized that he, Trump, was likely going to get into trouble, and big trouble, at that, for making it clear he was going to withhold those hundreds of millions of dollars of Congressionally-appointed monies for Ukraine. It's because of that phone call and their concerns this all came up.
2) If there are "no facts to support the charge of bribery", then why is this President keeping his staff from testifying, from responding to Congressional subpoenas?
3) Several, several, again, of his own staff testified they understood there to be a "quid pro quo"---actually, what boils down to bribery or blackmail or extortion--from and by this President to the leader of the Ukraine.
4) Justice was done yesterday, let there be no doubt.
5) It's Zelensky.
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