First, let's just say folks, today, that, not only was Republican party President Donald Trump impeached, ladies and gentlemen, but he was impeached bigly.
Yes sir and ma'am, he certainly does things "the best" as he promised he would. So much winning.
But let's be clear on this--
Meanwhile, lots of us now know Mr. Trump can, will and does go ever lower. He said this last night at his political campaign rally.
He is stunning in his insensitivity, as he's shown in the past and repeatedly and now this. This is Rep. Dingell's and her family's first holiday season without their husband/father. It's just a matter of new lows for Mr. Trump.
Then, as if Trump and the Republicans aren't all bad enough and in enough of a bad situation, they got this support overnight.
Russia's Vladimir Putin is practically, virtually making the Democrats' case for them here. Again. Stunning. You'd think President Trump and the Republicans would ask their buddy over there in Russia to clam up but hey, he's doing the Democrats' work them them. Thanks, Vlad, buddy!
This, however, is a disheartening, if not depressing thought.
Fortunately, from the same article here, just above, is this: "The House vote, however, largely mirrored what Americans in those districts would have wanted."
Then there is the letter Mr. Trump sent to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi a few days ago, just before the impeachment vote in the House.
Meanwhile, today, Senator Schumer--and lots of us--have a question for Mitch McConnell and, yes, this President.
Eric Swalwell, admittedly a Democrat, from California, makes an excellent point.
As for going forward, few days ago, famous Watergate attorney John Dean had what looks to be sage advice to and for Speaker Pelosi and the House after this impeachment.
He's saying that since Senator Mitch McConnell has publicly said and declared he fully intends to work only with the President himself and his staff and attorneys on this impeachment.
He's come to the conclusion, ahead of the trial, ahead of the evidence and facts, that this President is already innocent. To heck with the trial, the facts, the evidence---heck, to heck with the Constitution, nation and people. Full steam ahead!
I think Mr. Dean is correct. Hold the impeachment in the House from now until next November. Then, keep investigating. Keep getting yet more facts and information as it will inevitably come out. Let this President prove himself guilty as he most surely, clumsily, ignorantly will. It looks, rather hopefully, that Speaker Pelosi is taking that position, too, at least for now.
What far too many Americans don't know is that the Republicans ending, killing the Fairness Doctrine in our government is what brought us to this hyper-partisan point in our nation, pitting Left vs. Right, Democrat vs. Republican. It was after Right Wing media like Fox was allowed to exist, we began having very slanted, one-sided, very ugly reporting in media, frequently filled not just with bias but with out and out untruths, misrepresentations and, honestly, lies.
What stuns and even frightens me is the ability of too many Republicans and Trump-supporters to blindly follow all things Republican and/or all things Trumpian. Blindly. It is very concerning.
Anyway, here we are today. The third President of the United States has been impeached in our history.
Wither now, America?
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