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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Who is our Gloria Emerson of today?

I wrote yesterday, briefly, about the mistakes we made--and learnede nothing from--as a nation, regarding the Vietnam War. I also mentioned a very famous, brilliant writer named Gloria Emerson of The New York Times who wrote an equally brilliant book about our nation and the Vietnam experience in "Winners and Losers: Battles, Retreats, Gains, Losses, And Ruins From The Vietnam War".

In it, she wrote, rightly, that we, as a nation and as a people learned nothing, really from Vietnam. If anyone didn't agree with her when the book came out in 1978, by now, they would have plenty of proof she was correct, what with our attacking Iraq in 2003. She surely must be spinning in her grave.

So my question now, today, is, who, exactly is our so-needed Gloria Emerson of the day? Who is out there doing the research, on the ground in Afghanistan, getting the information, writing about what's going right--if anything--and what's gone and is going so terribly wrong for our that country, those people, our military and our country and people?

I can't think of a conflict that needs "lessons learned" any more than this one.

Can you?

And doesn't it seem we've made a great deal of mistakes and have plenty we do need to learn? And as soon as possible?


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