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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Go get 'em, Claire

A Senator Fights Back "Claire McCaskill challenges outside political ads, but her voice may be drowned out"

And we know this to be disgustingly too true.

We've seen the Right Wing and Republicans gearing up for a big fight over the Senator's seat this Fall. Naturally, with the Supreme Court's ugly, ignorant and so-wrong "Citizen's United" ruling, opening up unlimited corporate and other coffers, these groups are going after all the vulnerable Democratic candidates for office they can.

Claire McCaskill is certainly one of those, sadly enough.

In spite of the fact that she's more standing up for the "little guy" and the working man and woman of the country, she's going to have to fight tooth and nail, so to speak, in order to keep her seat.

Her very Republican, Right Wing counterpart in the Senate, Roy Blunt, meanwhile, is fighting to have government have the first and last words on women's very personal, reproductive rights. He's also fighting for "Big Oil" and for a Canadian company, remarkably enough, so they can transfer their dirty tar sands oil from Canada, all across the US, down the Houston and our Southernmost states so it can go out to world oil markets, yet Ms. McCaskill has to fight for her seat.

It's disgusting.

We, as Missourians, have to stand up and make sure Claire is not surreptitiously ousted from the Senate this Fall.

She's not perfect, no--who of us, is? But she's working for us, for Missourians--the average guy and gal--and we need her in the Senate.


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