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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

More proof: President Obama is not a Socialist

For anyone and everyone who has complained or who are still complaining about the TARP fund and how big it was and how it was going to cost us so much and how it was not going to do any good and how it was going to cost us so much and how it was not going to do any good and, after all, how rotten President Barack Obama and his administration are, check this out:

Exclusive:  Treasury’s TARP, AID Bailout Costs Fall to $30 Billion

The price to taxpayers of the bailouts and financial rescue of 2008 and 2009 continues to fall sharply.  In figures to be released later today, the Treasury Department will report that the final net cost of the TARP is expected to be about $50 billion, Yahoo! Finance has learned.  Add in expected returns from Treasury’s interest in insurance company AIG, and the final net cost will be closer to $30 billion.

So, let’s see, that would be—“it worked!”?

And keep in mind that it was the previous President, George W. Bush who started the TARP fund, too.  President Obama merely continued it because we were in severe and serious trouble, financially and economicaly.  He was trying to save our collective asses, so to speak, collectively, from a second “Great Depression.

Another bonus:  Apart from the funds spent on housing, Treasury now doesn’t expect to lose money.

Oh, and that money to save GM?  It worked to, don’t forget.  The company and all that manufacturing and the associated jobs are still right here in the US.

Conclusion?  The TARP program has been an enormous success from a policy perspective—it saved the financial system and averted a second Great Depression at a very low price to taxpayers.

But do you think the Republicans, Conservatives, Tea Party members or anyone on the Right will acknowledge this good news?

Certainly not.

I think this is where we jump in and say a) we told you so (he didn’t do it to be a “Socialist”) and b) we now need you to go back, shut up, stop complaining and start to work together, all of us, so we can solve more (eventually all?) our problems.

Especially you, Mr. Beck.

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