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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Lessons for living

Mind you, these are mine.  Also, it doesn't mean I followed all of these at all time, through my entire life (see the last one):

--Be nice

--Be nice always

--Be patient

--As possible, be quiet

--Work hard

--Work smart

--Enjoy yourself

--Be thoughtful

--Be generous, as possible

--Help others

--Help yourself

--Don't criticize

--Love (that's it, just love)

--Don't be (too) foolish

--Don't be too serious ot take yourself too seriously

--Laugh often

--Keep everthing simple

--Read all you can


--Never think you know that much

--Be responsible

--Lighten up, as possible and as necessary

--Forgive.  Forgive others, as necessary;  forgive yourself, as necessary


--Excercise caution

--Exercise restraint

--Excercise moderation

--Live life to the fullest

--Help everyone you can

--Give selflessly (but not foolishly)

--Be thrifty

--Don't be cheap

--Save, as much as possible

--Create as much beauty as possible

--Laugh as much and as frequently as possible (but don't be a fool or obnoxious)

--Don't be afraid to cry but... (see next line)

--Don't waste time feeling sorry for yourself, because that's what you're doing

--Remember we're all hypocrites at some time, to some degree, in some, different ways

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