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Friday, April 2, 2021

KCPT Week in Review--- 3 White People and a Token Black

Once more, one more time this week, KCPT, "Kansas City Public Television" and their "Week in Review" program has 3 white people and Eric Wesson, a token Black man, on their program. That's it. Three white people and a Black man.
Thank goodness, again, Eric Wesson shows up. Thank you, sir, for being there, time and again. To KCPT, "Kansas City Public Television", there are no Hispanic people in the community. Thank goodness they got 2 white women to appear on the program so they have at least SOME more minorities on the show. So hoping one day they fix this. Hey, we can hope.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

According to Mister Google, 10.7% of the population of Kansas City, Missouri is Latino. That number will only increase in the future. Everyone knows that the children coming across our southern border is our future. It scares some people. It doesn't scare me. I welcome them.