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Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Happy Safe Harbor Day, America!

 Yes indeed, Mr. and Mrs. America! Happy Safe Harbor Day!

Safe harbor law locks Congress into accepting electoral votes cast for President-elect Joe Biden

What is Safe Harbor Day, you might ask? Well here you are:

Other than Wisconsin, every state appears to have met a deadline in federal law that essentially means Congress has to accept the electoral votes that will be cast next week and sent to the Capitol for counting on Jan. 6. Those votes will elect Joe Biden as the country’s next president.

So here we are and thank goodness! We've never needed to really acknowledge this day up to now since no sitting President ever denied, ignored, disavowed our vote, our votes, our election and our Democracy. But then, we've never had this much a narcissistic, self-dealing, self-centered, greedy, thoughtless, corrupt President before now, either.

So, go! Enjoy this great and beautiful day!

Now only 6 more days until the Electoral College turns in its formal finding on the election and FORTY-TWO days until inauguration!

Glory, hallelujah!

Meanwhile, he can't leave soon enough. This came out yesterday.

Trump administration officials passed when Pfizer offered months ago to sell the U.S. more vaccine doses.

This came out today, this morning.

Trump’s Attacks on Local Officials Are Spreading Hatred and Inciting Violence

This, though---good news---also came out this morning.

Lawyers Across the Country Urge Bar Associations to Investigate Trump Legal Team

Heavens help us.

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