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Saturday, March 28, 2020

This Surreal, Nearly Unbelievable President and Presidency

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Donald Trump was bizarre, sure, and lots of even Republicans and conservatives warned of him even during the 2016 election campaign for the Presidency, sure. We all know that and we've watched him in this now Presidency and seen how he is, over time.

But with this coronavirus pandemic, he's naturally in the public eye even more, as anyone in that office would and should be but he's outdoing himself for bizarre statements and action.

Proof?  Look no further.  First, here's this--what he said to Michigan's governor.

Apparently, Michigan's governor wasn't reverential enough to Mr. Trump.

Not done there, we even have this man's own words, showing how partisan he is and how he wants American citizens to grovel to him first, before he assigns any assistance to us out here.

Then there's this bizarreness.

I cannot even begin to imagine how this Donald Trump President thinks.

He has a physician and immunologist in Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has served as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984 to ask questions of but he calls a Major League Baseball player.

During marathon day of meetings earlier this week, President Trump continued outreach across the country regarding coronavirus & phoned former Yankees baseball player Alex Rodriguez. Multiple sources tell ABC, the president spoke to ARod from the Oval Office via me & @KFaulders

A source close to Rodriguez told @ABC the call with Trump was “pleasant” adding that Trump was seeking thoughts from ARod about the coronavirus response. Sources say there was no discussion of AROD or his fiancé Jennifer Lopez taking on any official effort.

Trump used to refer to ARod as a "druggie" so apparently he thought the baseball player would have some insight on this pandemic.

Then, amidst all the turmoil, uncertainty and decisions that must be made, Mr. Trump busies himself with this.

I'm just glad he has such great priorities, aren't you?
Meanwhile, finally, for all the rest of this, his madness, here are some things that are absolutely true of this President and his tenure in the White House to date.

All those firsts but hey, thanks, Republicans!
That's quite a guy you put on us there.

Fortunately, there are glimmers, glimmers of hope out there in the country regarding this--what?--madman?  simpleton?

Check out what none other than Rupert Murdoch's own very Right Wing rag, the Wall Street Journal had to say about this Boob in Chief:


Trump’s falsehoods are eroding public trust, at home and abroad

Now it's just up to us to get rid of him this November.

Meanwhile, God help us all.

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