Yessiree. Here we go again. One more week of KCPT and Mike Shanin saving the city, saving us all with four lily, bleached-white Caucasians on the panel of the weekly "news" program "Ruckus."
Not one African-American.
Not one HIspanic or Latino/Latina.
They show African-Americans and Hispanics in their promotional commercials and requests for funding and get this, they advertise that they're supported by the Hispanic community's Dos Mundos newspaper but actually have a minority person from the area on the program??
They did have 2 whole wimmin on the program so at least it wasn't completely all white males. There was at least ONE minority. I guess we have to be thankful for that.
Given that it's PBS and a publicly-funded program, you wouldn't think this would even be an issue. It is really stunning. Not only is it this way but it's been this way since KCPT began.
You'd think this was 1920's or 1940's or even 1960's America.
But it surely isn't.
In Mr. Shanin's and his program's defense, I will say that they TALKED about inviting a black female singer to be on the program. In the future.
Not done there, our PBS station KCPT also ran FOUR VERY WHITE PEOPLE, again, on "Week in Review."
Not one "person of color."
Honestly. It's stunning.
What chutzpah. What an insult.
It insults our intelligence as well as the audience, the entire city.
Come on, KCPT.
You should be FAR better than this.
Maybe the program content represents the demographics of the donors and viewers.
But it doesn't represent all the people of the city, first, by a long way, and second, according to their own commercials, KCPT says they want to represent us all. One of their sponsors is the Spanish paper Dos Mundos, as one more example.
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