A friend--an architect, no less--made this very clear, intelligent, fair observation this past week out on Facebook. (See link and credit below).
Mayor Sly James and The Kansas City Star and all kinds of people and organizations have come out for this new, single terminal, more-than-one-billion-dollar-boondoggle of an airport, saying, now it's "fiscally responsible" (it's anything but) and the right thing to do and the way to go forward with progress and the city. They also claim it will be just as convenient as our current airport and terminals.
To which I and a lot of us out here promptly say "bunk."
Think about this.
If, God forbid, the "New KCI" people and vote wins this coming week, we would get, yes, a single terminal airport. Sure, it will blow through more than 1 billion dollars that we don't need to and shouldn't spend and it will make flying in and out of Kansas City far more expensive and it's grossly, fiscally and environmentally irresponsible but there's one more thing.
We would get that one, single security check in.
Think how that works at other airports.
Think of the lines, the long, long lines just to get to security, that one security check in at all those other airports. Then think of waiting to get through that security.
We don't have that now. With our current terminals, we don't have those abominable long lines and long, long waits.
And Mayor James and the Star and others are going to tell us it will be just as convenient?
That there won't be long lines?
And people are going to fall for that?
Vote NO Tuesday, November 7 on Question 1.

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