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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Kansas and Missouri, down the rabbit hole

So, yesterday, with the elections in their respective states, Missouri and Kansas went farther, still farther, off the Right Wing end.

In Missouri, Amendment 2 was voted in which "lets parents and children opt out of any curriculum they feel contradicts their religious teachings."

Isn't that just terrific?

Forget the goal of teaching the children, the students--the person's individual religious interpretations takes priority, instead.

Then, as if that weren't bad enough, Kansas voted in the deeply Right Wingers to support Governor Brownback's agenda and goals.

And trust me, believe me when I say, it isn't just because they're Right Wing that I say this, either. It's because it's all so extreme. Honestly, if it were Left Wing extremism, I'd be saying the same thing. There would be less concern about it, I'll grant you that, since it would be from the left, but I'd still be concerned. Extremes just aren't good for people and states and nations.

Where does all this end, anyway?


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