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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

KCMO and KCK Mayors come together for a pow-wow

Good for them. I'd have love to attended and asked some rather pointed questions. One of the things I'd like to ask them is if they couldn't work together on the crime and shootings aspects of the region. Both have that same problem though, admittedly, Mayor James has it much worse, it seems, on the East side. Here's another thing these two mayors should work on--in fact, all the mayors in the region should get together, discuss problems and solutions but also commit to each other that wee'll stop this stupid, repeated and incessant habit of trying to steal one another's workers and jobs and companies away from each other. Then, that should be followed by the two governors of the two states--Missouri and Kansas--and the legislators. When this happens, when we allow companies to negotiate tax deals between cities and counties and states, only the companies win. Everyone else, but particularly the taxpayers and state revenues lose. It's stupid, as I said, and we need to stop allowing this to happen. Here's hoping. Link:

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